
Monday, 13 June 2011

3 Choices to Investing

When it comes to money and investing, people have three fundamental reasons or choices for investing. They are:

1. To be secure,
2. To be comfortable, or
3. To be rich.

All 3 choices are important. The difference in one's life occurs when the choices are prioritized.

Most people place the choices in the following order:

1. To be secure
2. To be comfortable
3. To be rich

For most people, if becoming rich disturbs their comfort or makes them feel insecure, they will forsake becoming rich. That is why so many people want that one hot investment tip. People who make security and comfort their first and second choices look for ways to get rich quick that are easy, risk free, and comfortable. A few people do get rich on one lucky investment, but all too often they lose it all again.

I put my priorities in this order:

1. To be rich
2. To be comfortable
3. To be secure

As stated earlier, when it comes to money and investing, all three priorities are important. Which order you put them in is a very personal decision that should be made before beginning to invest. To be rich, comfortable, and secure are really personal core values. One is not better than the other. I do know, however, that making the choice of which core values are most important to you often has a significant long-term impact upon the kind of life you choose. That is why it is important to know which core values are most important to you, especially when it comes to the subject of money and financial planning.

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